July 22, 2010

#513 i love you?

says from the other side of the phone call
but i hear the question mark
so, for two reasons
i do not mirror a response
those three words are too important to just use to reassure each other
they are deeper and more special than that
i would not use our bedsheets to wipe up a spill in the kitchen
i will not speak those three words for what i think might be petty self-doubt
i never want the words to be reflexive
like the knee-jerk in a doctor's office
for though i love you with every bit of my body
i want those words to pass certain parts of me every time
the brain, through new synaptic connections
the heart, to feel it every time the words are said
the soul, to appreciate what the words mean

failing to supply the mirror response, does not equal failure
if you do not know that i love you
with every cell in my body
from the eternal, vital cells in my heart and organs
to the dead, replaceable cells that cover the dirt under the tips of my fingernails
then i have failed

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