thugs in black bunnyhugs
break HBC windows and we and our media call them anarchists
because protester and demonstrator are clean words since seattle
hide behind black handkerchiefs because they feel stronger
desecrate the windows of our society's gods
the gods we worship with modern plastic-card idols
and though they are motto-less,
if they did have a motto,
it would not be citius, altius, fortius
but slower, more down-to-earth, gentler
because they hate our society
they hide behind masks
because they are embarrassed about their respectable job and their engineering degree and their poli-sci degree and making their parents proud at the cost of their own souls
and feeling as fake and as manipulated as the news-shows that make anarchist a dirty word
they hide behind masks because to say these things they feel would hurt the parents they love
democracy is a lie
a joke
an insult to intelligence
it is a castle in the polluted sand
and they believe they are a drop of water in the flow phase of a powerful tide
they see what we are doing to ourselves and they feel helpless
all they can do for us is put on an anti-uniform uniform and break a window
they believe our grandparents were better than we are
they believe in hard work over immediate gratification
but without their kerchiefs and scarves, when the black costume is removed, they submit to temptation offered by hundreds of channels and take-out places and prescription pills
they believe our system is unfixable, must be destroyed
they break windows, as the catholic church burned books
thinking it's for our own good
they believe demonstrating and protesting are passé
respect the effort
but laugh at the ineffectiveness, the lack of logic
because if they don't laugh they'll cry
protest against a System that dictates the 5 W's of your protest?
in their minds, they are a concentration camp prisoner
spitting in the face of their captor, their friend's captor, their parent's captor, your captor
they are too angry to care what is right
angry knowing our society is wrong and wronged
they walked by one too many bums on the street and realized the bum was someone's kid
they've committed ideological suicide
preferring a question mark over our current System
a dirty S-word in their language
dirty words include:
Religion, Corporation, Government, Salary
they travel in 10 and 20 and 30
30 max
because they don't trust numbers
their generational subculture is only a slight twist
don't trust anything over 30
they are weak yes
but they are strong
David was armed with slingshot and they with hoodies and bricks
they find much-needed success in getting on the news, or getting a police reaction, or being called an Anarchist, with disdain
they are cowards
but they are brave
are you passionate enough about anything to risk jail, risk being cameraless with armed police?
they are our late-night jerry maguire ideas and ideals
made laughable by our boss: the alarm clock
in their acts of defiance, they find meaning, meaning we do not offer
did you ever sit in your car, sit and wait in your driveway, unable to face the monotony that is a 21st century north-american life?
they did. but they broke.
unveil a few black bunnyhugs...
90% white kids, twenty-somethings, upper-middle class, educated, quiet, intelligent, male
all-powerful kings in their parents' generation, lost in their own
but we will not end them by catching them
or arresting them
or beating them
arrests and billy-clubs will only be head-bashing whack-a-mole mallets
we must try understanding them
must change
my goal is not forgiveness but understanding
and at the risk of misunderstanding, i hope i am unforgiving in my goal of understanding
though i warn you
in small print and fast-speak
side effects of understanding may include forgiveness, compassion, solidarity, and other forms of humanity
beating them with violence is what they want
so they can say, in good conscience
see, we told you so
we cannot defeat them
for defeat over them
is a loss
we can only win with them
the lines of police that represent and protect us
wear bigger masks
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