December 31, 2010
#672 party time
sounds like a great night
until you learn that the wearer is a guy
December 30, 2010
#671 men at bar time
each loud word trying to impress the girls
words they'd never say in front of their grandmother
they spent too much time stinking up the bathroom with pretty smells
once in the bar, their drink becomes an outfit accessory
and i feel like shouting
look around you!
is this where you want to meet mrs right?
December 28, 2010
#670 of blades and people
is a dull one
says the expert chef to the prep cook
and the wise old man
to the anxious grasshopper
asking more of something or someone than they are capable,
without giving help
results in pain
December 27, 2010
#669 days like this
and anticipate tomorrows
friends and family
food and fun
laugh until unrecognizable sounds squeak and peep and snort
their way out of my body
then at night i sleep
tired, happy, content
such are days like this
December 26, 2010
#669 taking over
December 25, 2010
#668 bedtime
once flashy and new
now pathetic and chintzy
so do i change back to my old self
or find a new fun
and hear the old me mock
December 23, 2010
#667 sound and silence
but that it floats"
the amazing thing about the poet is not that she is published,
but that she writes daily
the amazing thing about the student is not the graduation,
but the more than a decade of sitting in a desk
the amazing thing about mothers is not the miracle of birth,
but the miracle of forever
the amazing thing about the Mona Lisa is not the fame,
but that like all paintings, it's just made with lines
the amazing thing about music is not the genius,
but that it's all just sound and silence
#666 "turn up the music"
self-corruption in listening to rock n roll
but how else can a north american teen survive those
years between childhood and adulthood when we
realize the adults are just, on average, larger than children
they still exhibit tantrums and they still believe in magic
and the ones who have kids
all believe their kids' lives will be fixed versions of their own
the arnold to their devito
December 22, 2010
#665 picking strings, picking thoughts
massaging some part of my mind
their bustle on their frets, soothes my own
music is a language that cannot be packaged in a dictionary
to do so is to put a bow on happiness
and to slip depression into a gift bag
December 21, 2010
#664 nature's ambulance-chaser's
cottonwoods thrive
benefiting from tragedy
not malicious,
line river beds
waiting for flood and erosion
December 20, 2010
#663 go fear
and comfort a side effect of complacency
do you scare yourself everyday
do you try new things
music, courses, hobbies
do you share your skills in front of crowds
December 19, 2010
#662 flakes
December 18, 2010
#661 sports and tools
does he fix everything and drink beer from the bottle
does he cuddle his girl and hold doors open
does he dress well
does he have dirty fingernails
does he save words, and in doing so, save their weight
does he watch the 6 o'clock news uninterrupted
does he throw a tight spiral
does he know all the tsn stats and all the acronymic sport terms
what is a man
December 17, 2010
#660 atop the freezer, atop the world
the mystery and magic in a place viewed by only adult eyes
occupied by only pens and change
remember the pinball machine in your stomach
as an adult hoisted you up, up in the air
and for precious seconds
you spied
the magic and the mystery
if you don't remember
try harder
for the sake of your self now
for the sake of your self then
for the sake of young people today
for beyond just pens and change
above the freezer exists,
all the mystery of childhood
#659 elastic bedsheet
i'll warm your side of the bed and spread the elastic bedsheet
whether you wear my small ring or not
i will love you
i'll love you so much it will hurt me some days
but love and pain have always been friends
to avoid pain is to ignore love knocking on your front door
i will exhale easy beside you each night
because that is happiness
that is contentment
December 16, 2010
#658 for your thoughts
they all make "sense"
perhaps we should call them something new,
coin a new term
trade five for a popular music band
and i'm done,
now that i've shared my two cents
December 15, 2010
#657 after the fact
and i wonder, what about love
when are those rules written?
does the winner write them?
is there a winner?
perhaps there are two ever-changing sets of unwritten rules
which explains why love beats war
in the department of confusion
December 14, 2010
#656 unspoken
one hand on her belly
looking out to the empty garden, nothing growing there
too tired to cry
too tired to sleep
a tired that sleep can't fix
behind her is a prairie house polluted with reminders
and a husband who just wants to move on
she sighs and her brain notices the sky
too beautiful
too big, too heavy
December 13, 2010
#655 discard
chewing my nails as space shrinks
okay i'm not
but i feel like my positivity is
everywhere, i see something i failed to do
or did wrong
everything around me is crumbling and falling apart
will my outlook be next
December 11, 2010
#654 "and what's from the earth"
green air clears up everything
a plate of treats is offered in rounds by the hostess
and in this apartment
i fail to see the harm
that we see in the media and the general public
i'm not even partaking of the herb, the gangha
but i see love and openness and people talking, really talking
the towel at the door filters
keeping smoke in
keeping hidden agendas out
December 10, 2010
#653 berry patch roots
i'm surrounded by power
a dad that worked 9-5 for guys that disrespected him
worked to put groceries in the fridge and cupbords
and taught the power of satisfaction in a job well done
not taught with words but with life
i saw power
a mother who added water to the last bit of stubborn no-name ketchup
that clung to the plastic
she convinced it to come out
the night before grocery day
she added it to a huge hearty casserole built from nothing
i saw power
surrounded by brothers and a sister
who entertained each other with sticks and rocks
played in mud-piles and frog ponds
who shared 1 tv, and twice as may channels
i saw power
a grandmother who managed stairs without knees
after a life of ten kids and 50-plus grandkids
a life overflowing with love and empty of money
success wasn't a fat pay cheque
success was being proud of yourself and your actions when you humbled yourself each night at the foot end side of the bed
and happiness was knowing your family was alive and safe
i saw power
a big brother who paved roads through puberty and insecurity
and managed to remember us all through his teenage years
through the dark high school years
then decades later returned to finish what was started
i saw power
brothers who stayed home in the dark to avoid the scary light of society
grow up to be teachers and speakers and managers
managing the fear looking back from the mirror
i saw power
a brother
growing up picked on and kicked on who wouldn't tell
who found empathy for his abusers, explanations and justifications
who believes in justice every tic of every toc on every clock
i saw power
a sister
small in size, mammoth in character
who grew up behind five boys
a sister who, broke pine, steps tall, front of the line
i saw power
another grandmother
who lived a life of devotion and sacrifice
who loved knowing details of the lives of her kids and theirs
i saw power
a grandfather
who invented flyswatters made out of 3-owner thin shoe souls
who had no thing but new he didn't have "nothing"
married a english teacher who understood that two negatives make a positive
meaning, no matter how many bad things, if you stayed even, it was all good
a grandfather who found in everything, a reason to whistle
because happiness was a berry patch full of berries and empty of noise
i saw power
i'm surrounded by power
#652 a life on the rocks
boo's at my attempts to rise above the life around me
but somehow, now my life is filled with booze
December 9, 2010
#651 noise
listen to the silence
if it's too loud
deal with the noise in your head
turn off the tv and do some quiet thinking
avoid the temptations
of talking and smoking and drinking
just sit
December 8, 2010
#650 21 varieties
21 i disagree with Ford's opinion of black
but 21 varieties is excessive
lined up with labels and logos smiling at me in the ultra-bright aisle
21 varieties of tomato sauce
most with unrecognizable ingredients
to help the contents last forever
and to taste more like pasta sauce than pasta should
December 7, 2010
#649 mash potatoes and snow
when toys were serious business
for when time was different
when recess was a staple
and bedtime story a given
when mashed potatoes were castles and train-tracks and tunnels
and snow was a welcome wonder
and childhood had its hard days
but i look forward to providing one
December 6, 2010
#648 perspective on a plate
but i arrive home to a fresh hot meal
problems evaporate
turn invisible and move away
a peck on the cheek that is both habitual and meaningful
her smile shatters the downward spiral of my thoughts and everything starts over
December 4, 2010
#647 losing each other
music and teasing and eating
guitars and drums and harmonicas appear
memories, old and new
and then someone turns off the stereo and shouts
cab's here, let's go to the bar
December 3, 2010
#646 99 and 44/100
December 2, 2010
#645 classic
stretch ahead of my skis
to the bend in the trail
a trail rooved by an archway of evergreen and cottonwood
speckled with stars
as a few flakes meander to the ground
inside my fleece is sweat
from burning off the stresses of the day
but those are gone from me now
and i am here
in this moment
arms pumping skis sliding
in this moment, minutes don't exist
because time, time forgets herself
December 1, 2010
#644 thank you
to be this sad
only months
but so connected
so many stories
told and untold
and now i pull out of the parking lot
the last time
and i'm so sad
tears fill my eyes
how lucky i am to be this sad
November 30, 2010
#643 heartwood
is because something died on the inside
tears come easier with age
christmas is a time for heavy memories
November 29, 2010
#642 in dreams
last night's dreams sneak through fingers
and a part of me says pay more attention
but here i sit, typing this poem
there is something to dreams
not always direct
but a way to meet the various characters in me
that make me, me
so now i have a notebook and pencil on the bedside table
ready to scribble clues to night-stories
November 28, 2010
#641 frech fries
french fries on a cookie sheet
three on the hide-a-bed, one on each couch, and six on the floor
the room was hot and the smell was stale
in my mind i haul my body up
but it's just a dream
and movement in the waking world wait's until eleven
November 27, 2010
#640 adventitiously
November 26, 2010
#639 after the interview
i procrastinate Time
busying my life with chores used to being avoided
even my tupperware drawer is organized
then i checked to make sure the phone-jack was ok and the ringer was turned on
still un-still, i wait
November 25, 2010
#638 beer caps and broken glass
hips move
music pumps over the bar floor
for now they forget
how boring their lives are
November 24, 2010
#637 in the night
dream-visions swim from ear-to-ear
familiar objects and common people
in new and uncommon ways
the pillow adjusted my brains reality
twisted up in the blanket
plays out as a hostage-taking
and real or not, it's real
November 23, 2010
#636 "porn speaks to its splintered legions"
November 22, 2010
#635 bumblebees vs rats
bumblebees fight against rats
he is the man you avoid eye contact
something is switched inside his head
and then life events compounded the complication
and now he staggers by storefronts
cursing Michael and the other angels
he's smart
he knows his head is not right
and he's adjusted his life to avoid overthinking truths
and sometimes he's fine
but he experiments, learning how society treats its least fortunate members
and how do you stay sane
when you learn the answer
November 21, 2010
#634 a blob in the driveway
logical according to city hall thinking
walking is faster than driving
because the car is a buried blob of virgin white
and how will you get the snowbrush from the backseat
without snow spilling onto the seat
a challenge for another time
November 20, 2010
#633 a watched pot
from the stainless steel bottom
before now, boredom is all there was to see
these few bubbles are turning to more
and steam
anticipation of the surface breaking
of a rolling boil
a recycled waterfall gone mad
November 19, 2010
#632 tall snowbanks
November 18, 2010
#631 40+cm
i stand in snow up to my waist, imagining the yard in summer
i love all my friends and all the seasons
it's the time between seasons, that bullies my soul
cold and wet and sloppy outside
i stay inside in a house full of my own thoughts
but then spring comes, time for yards and gardens
and summer, play and late days
fall, hiking and reflection
winter, diving in snow banks
November 16, 2010
#630 a thank-you to fanatics and extremists
where mediocrity is the norm
and passion is a word heard more often for soap operas than seen in life
change would be even slower without you
i envy your energy and passion
your absence of doubt in distinguishing wrong from right
i disagree with most of your actions
but in your conviction and effort, there are lessons for us all
in human potential
November 15, 2010
#629 volume control
behind a teenage door, she loses herself inside her earbuds
all the teachers and the parents and the rules
unheard for a moment
overpowered by music
the modern day cabin in the woods
a place of refuge, away from it all
from the latest heavy metal
to matt anderson's acoustic version of the boss
her soul's on fire inside her with a bad desire
young enough to wonder if she can change the world
old enough to know daddy can't fix everything
between songs
the deafening sound of the world failing
she turns up the volume
November 14, 2010
#628 mothers and daughters
we're both outside for fresh air
i never met him before
but we end up chatting
a girl walks by
tall, well-dressed, confident
the click of her high-heels fades ahead
he grins at me, i'd tap that for sure, wouldn't you?
i look at him
he waits for a response
sure, i'd tap "that"
i'd tap that four times
except i wouldn't call her "that"
i'd call her "her"
as a compliment
because she's part of the half of our race
usually responsible for mothering and nurturing
the beautiful gender
and each one of them is unique
some are tough and some are mean and some are "plump"
and as a gender, beautiful
i'd tap her alright
i'd tap her on the shoulder and thank her for being a beautiful confident woman
an inspiration to young girls around her
a weight i don't understand
i'd tap her brain for a while and find out what she thinks
of this society that disrespects her, objectifies her, under-appreciates her
and while she was answering, i'd bite my lip, until it bled
so i wouldn't be a typical, but unnoticed thing in our society
a man interrupting a woman
i'd tap into her knowledge as a confident-looking woman
in a world that is so often against her
in a world that jams her feet into unhealthy, high-heels
so she can fit into what we call "beautiful"
but while fashions come and go
women persevere
oh you mean, would i have sex with her
i wouldn't
because i found a woman who is special to me among them
and while i find the girl you're talking about physically attractive, i don't know her
and sex with her would risk the best things i have in my life
i would have to not like myself very much, to have sex with her
because i have a beautiful woman in my life
i want to say all this, but i don't
instead, the most i can say is nothing
November 13, 2010
#627 x&y
where i misunderstand everything
the harder i try
the more i offend the locals
the language, the traditions, the expectations
using the washroom, cooking supper, laying down
all hazards
i seek to understand
not to offend
but i must relax soon
the human body was not meant for a perpetual state of fear
or maybe it was
November 12, 2010
#626 the dog can wait
(referred to as "the doorbell")
turning perspiration into inspiration
knowing that the Perspiration-Inspiration Trail
is not a loop, but an out and back
that he will do everyday
and just as the hiker's muscles will improve
grow defined and strong
so will his sentences
and the fresh air of the everyday walk
breathes health into his mental well-being
puffing up the needle on his happiness scale
November 11, 2010
#625 "hold it high"
more than fashion
more than red plastic
a poppy is a symbol of all that we have and take for granted
worn over the left chest, the heart
a poppy is dead ancestors we never knew
a poppy is a thank you for our fortunate place in time and geography
a thank you to anyone serving in our military, then and now and ever
November 10, 2010
#624 octogenarians
November 9, 2010
#623 fourth stair from the bottom
visitors and brothers and sisters and tv's and parents and more
where he shared a room with two more
but there was one spot
that became a room when he sat
a room away from it all
where the world forgot about him
where he could see no one and hear everyone
where he could observe, unbothered
November 8, 2010
#622 sometimes, the first symptom is death
says hi to his friends and takes his seat
after school, he says goodbye and walks home
writes a note and leaves it on the kitchen table for his mom
then he goes to his parents closet
pulls out the rifle
November 7, 2010
#621 easier said
let it push you
tackle fears ahead of Fear
so Fear's efforts will help you
if Fear was a train
sit on the cowcatcher
when Fear does get ahead of you
change tracks
aim at another fear
while Fear visits the first one
manipulate Fear, he's a jerk that deserves it
welcome Fear, he can offer help
Fear is a neon sign flashing,
#620 stunted carrots
outside, rain falls like rain
inside, the writer struggles like a struggling writer
unique ideas hide like similes
then, a phrase as fresh as the taste of grit from a stunted garden carrot
and the writing bursts, like a paper-bag green tomato turned red
he wonders now, looking up to the window, if the frost didn't kill everything worthwhile
if the harvest isn't finished
if he isn't watering a dead garden
and outside, the rain falls like rain
inside, the write struggles like a struggling writer
November 6, 2010
#619 hour time together
the clock's tic pulls my attention
first my ear, then my eye, then my thoughts
she is the second hand, i am the minute
she charges around, lapping me 60 times an hour
my cautious, stealth pace
and as we do our our life
as we eat our suppers, check-mark our to-do lists, answer our phones
the hour hand, unnoticed advancement in any one glance
speeds in its unnoticeable march
in its war against Forever
November 5, 2010
#618 pink pearl
Touching the delete key using the soft end of the eraser saying that was my fault
These are not failures
but choices toward improvement
toward leaving the world a better place than what you found it
These are small successes, single stitches and single rows in the afghan of bigger successes
Use your eraser
And do not hide your erasing, curled behind your other arm, hovered over by your self-conscious body
Let people see you rubbing the beautiful pink rubber along the potential-filledNovember 4, 2010
#617 give me music, give me words
listening to a new song, my mind is occupied
by sound and by lyric and by the combination
there is beat
and there is a voice beaten by experience
the voice speaks more than words
tension and release
an up and a down
a building, a crescendo
a sense of closure
whether a door slammed
or a light dimming
and those seconds of silence
after the sound, but part of the music
November 3, 2010
#616 manufactured moments
wondering when they lost purpose
meaning is forgotten a word in a dead language
they save screens but not specialness of moments
zip and 'shop
cut and crop
November 2, 2010
November 1, 2010
#614 no green bananas for Ida, please
he prolongs his bath
procrastinating what comes next
in the room down the hall is his mother, Ida
you don't know her
he stares at a bubble
knowing he will have to help her go to the bathroom
watch her cry as she realizes, again
you're my son, not my father
he unplugs the tub and rises, as slow as his mother
reaches for a towel for his naked body
watching the bubble
listening to the gurgle and swirl
water circling drain
October 31, 2010
#613 quicksilver
let it pass between your fingers
shape it as you will
when it hardens you cannot change the truth
until you change the environment, the temperature
the word, the concept, the syllable
is a golden lie
a silver conceit
a title we give the story we invent through life
life is a story invented to make sense of our inventions
October 30, 2010
#612 "now i'm a believer"
no more sleeping in until a late lunch
not since i met her face
the face that whispers
i believe in you too much to believe you
your words like "can't" or "impossible"
i used to be an okay guy, a nice guy
sliding through life
enjoying myself
then i met her face
and good enough wasn't always good enough anymore
no more monster hangovers
back in the day all i had to face was the mirror
and i could and i did
now i face her face
a mirror that reflects the man she thinks i can be
a great man
and i don't know if i can
but as long as her face keeps believing
i'll keep trying
October 29, 2010
#611 TP
if their native population is stereotyped
as stupid addicts
what does it say about a country
if the native culture
is dishonoured
let us think again
without blaming others
let us recognize that something is wrong
something we all need to fix
October 28, 2010
#610 "nothin"
but coughs like a newbie
just as Taylor, the girl he likes, walks by
in science class, Mr Taylor gives him the test he skipped on friday
then, a good friend having a bad day, is sent to the office
the friend is already on "last warning"
on the way home
he realizes his pockets are out of smokes
and out of money
he opens the fridge
and his Mom asks, "what happened at school today"
October 27, 2010
#609 funeral announcements in heaven
where are you, did you stay in the kitchen
caroline? lillian? veronica?
i need you here
caroline? lillian? veronica?
no more p'tatoes to boil, let your gnarled hands rest
let your buckled knees sleep
come to bed with me
sit on the backyard swing
and listen to the radio dryer
i'll turn it up to hear gus announce
who'll be coming next for sunday dinner
#608 kenneth
October 26, 2010
#607 october 26, 6:30 a.m.
my mind agrees
the heater fights the outside's cold rain
this morning is a tea morning
colder days are yet to come
but this feels colder than many will
adjusting to the loss of warmth
in five months, a 10 degree day will bring t-shirts
today, hats and mitts and wool sweaters
this morning
slurping my tea, i save my words and think my thoughts,
October 25, 2010
#606 welcome winter
a world i cannot believe will be here in weeks
good-bye grey and wet
hello white and clean
i'm ready
October 24, 2010
#605 i confess to all mighty gods
if i eat the bread but not the lie
will i go to your hell
which, i might add
makes more entertaining television than your heaven
and you who drink the weekly wine
but ignore the wino at your streetcar stop
and yell at your kids for whining when your patience is short
but wear your smile up the big concrete steps
to your fancy room of "worship"
where will you go after this life?
October 23, 2010
#604 14 and 1/2
which add to his withdrawal from life
and like teens over the last few generations
he finds solace in dark music and dark colours and dark emotions
he fights happy childhood memories
because they make him sad
carry him to an edge where he fears the wind will blow him off
October 22, 2010
#603 "weary, feeling small"
for too long
now i face a web of bridges that all require crossing at once
a giant ball of knots
some are suspended, some are large, some even spiral
so many, i can't see the other side of the Paul and Art's River
my head is full of dark and heavy
ease my mind
October 21, 2010
#602 iPhoto
i look at the high school photo
my eyes are grabbed by the skinny boy on the right
his eyes say the whole world is watching me
his hands are clasped behind his back
as though he is a team coach of athletes, not one of a group of friends
i want to scream at him
stop being serious
you won't even be in touch with these people in 5 years
but i know he will finish his high school years feeling out of place
i know this because i was him
October 20, 2010
#601 morning mourning
the plane ticket was too expensive
visited this grave each of the five mornings since
each day i stared at this grass
inviting grief
today is the first day i cried
today i noticed the grass was cut
the image of a gas-powered lawnmower
(ride-on or push?)
running over her again and again
for four laps
brought tears and snot and choking sounds
October 19, 2010
#600 a vroom of one's own
i want to feel a cliched wind on a cliched open highway
to read pirsig and feel he's talking to me
i want to stop at a roadside tavern and bring my helmet in with me
to stop, on the shoulder, open my tool-bag, and solve some mechanical problem
i want to idle under an overpass and read a map while waiting out a rain
to ride past a long line of angry commuters to board the ferry
i want to meet another leather jacket, separated by a yellow line
to pass and to receive, the secret-wave
i don't need a harley or a ducati
just one i can call my own
October 18, 2010
#599 staring at a gold ring
there is a red-head somewhere in the world that stays in his head
he remembers, not every day,
but days like today
and he wonders where she is now
still in the big city?
still tough and vulnerable?
still single?
years after they last stood face to face
he remembers hers just as well
and he wonder
does she think of me?
October 17, 2010
#598 a promise named noose
October 16, 2010
#597 workshops and editing
October 15, 2010
#596 let us stay in this time, this place
let trash-can lids be my shields
and broom-stick handles be my swords
that cooking-pots protect my head and my life
as i protect yours
in the name of childhood
you in your tin-foil tiara
and bed-sheet gown trimmed with lace
i'll be your day, i'll be your knight
the only evil, is a dragon
such is childhood, so black and white
#595 hallowed be thy mane
hands fill with prurience
needing and kneeding your exposed shoulder
limbs and moans
warm sweat and flushed flesh
your face
spasms, begs
your mane, spreads every direction
the collared gentleman facing us says
...forgive us our trespasses as we forgive...
October 14, 2010
#594 the smell of sulphur
small twigs
bigger twigs (all dry)
and the magic ingredient, birch bark
alone in the woods
out of parents' sight
i dig the matchbook from my pocket
read its grocery store slogan, where community lives
i tug out a single match
strike it, below my nose
savour the burning smell of sulphur
then, birch bark crackles my excitement out loud
then the grass and needles
the twigs, big and small
and i stare at the jar of gasoline
stolen from the shed
you can label me arsonist
but i don't trust people who say they never played with fire
the difference between us
is i slipped, i got caught
#593 handle with care
perhaps it was your hand laid her in her precarious position on the kitchen counter's edge
your absent-mindedness left her forgotten there
and your thigh that bumped her
into her fall
but don't reach!
ignore your impulse to reach out, to help, to save
let the knife hit the floor first
flesh is more sacred than linoleum
#592 December 25th 7:45 am, faking surprise
playgrounds of imagination mixed with limited supervision
a world of pirates and dragons and tickle-trunks
treasure hunts enjoyed in dim magical lighting
one boy playing a reality treasure-hunt
searching for the loot that makes christmas christmas for kids
shining and new
this is the boy's first year in on The Secret
revealed by Mother two months before
he stands on the camping duffelbag and slides the plastic top off the faded orange cooler
he discovers the jackpot
his wish-list's #1 item atop stocking-stuffers
page #102 in Sears Wish Book
he stares, then jerks the cover back over
climbs down
wishing he could forget what he saw
and the basement lighting seems bare and ugly
October 12, 2010
#591 finding home again
for recharging
a safe place to be me
a building with walls
a town with familiar smiles
these things yes, and something more
something inside me
alive and relaxed
#590 drowning anxiety
your safe friend at a party
as the red touches your lips, you relax
comfortable in your discomfort that makes you human
ready to join the masses
October 11, 2010
#589 we are both
but it wasn't
so we didn't get to say goodbye
no words, no hugs, nothing
and we're kept apart by people in uniforms and their silly rules
are we numbers on a paper
or are we people
October 10, 2010
#588 innies and outies
then something happens
proves you are as important as naval lint
you are rolled between the world's fingers, flicked, forgotten
yet, you must go on
must search for meaning from your random landing place
and remove the random
October 9, 2010
#587 "And that man comes on the radio"
is the sound of a beer k'chih-ing open
after hard healthy labour
wiping my brow with a sweaty forearm
sun making even the beer sweat
October 8, 2010
#586 questions i can't ask
how do you feel about your life
do you regret smoking it away
do you regret your angry teenage actions
do you know how they hurt those who looked up to you
do you feel the best years are to come
feel like calling me as much as i do you
ask the questions you can't ask
October 7, 2010
#585 blind love
i told her about how kittens' eyes
stay closed for a week or two
the way she looked at me
respecting my intellect
like i was something
my feelings for her were confused
i knew they were wrong and scourged myself at night
alone beneath bedsheets
but still
the memory of her eyes
reminded me of kittens eyes in the third week
and i was blind to my innocence
as blind as a kitten
October 6, 2010
#584 me plus twenty
but he's not speaking to me
hasn't said a word in years
can't even look me in the eye without disappointment
won't yell at me or kick me or call me names
just stares
disappointed and angry
October 5, 2010
#583 channel 88
and i forget
forget what 10 year-old me demanded of adult me
forget my potential
forget my responsibility
as recipient of the gift called time
that i squander in front of the stars
October 4, 2010
#582 a lonely harmonica
unites people in their loneliness
in barrooms and bedrooms
and the more loneliness the musician taps and shares
the more united the audience in loneliness
and when the last chord finishes pushing through air and ear canals
the loneliness felt, expressed
can be left until next time
October 3, 2010
#579 go time
prepared is not in my vocabulary today
i feels like everyone else is here to succeed and to mock me
every giggle and stare is meant for me
i'm not ready
stop the world, i want to get off
let's do this
October 2, 2010
#578 garbage day
things once nice, and useful
are now offensive smelling junk
the light overhead shrinks as a wall closes in on me
making me one with the stuff the world cast aside
my screams cease
useless over the screech of metal and the slow crunch of trash
October 1, 2010
#577 memories with cousins
daring each other to test the electric fence
jumping from the bridge after blind man's bluff
nights out in the backyard, camper or tent
sneaking berries from the garden
or carrots with a delicious hint of dirt
spontaneous ball games
cards on rainy days, go-fish
September 28, 2010
#576 time
i slowed down
i'm doing less
but getting more done
less hectic, more satisfaction
less to-do, more doing
September 27, 2010
#575 12-paned mirrors and mulligans
12 pains
last night's choice reflected
12 times, the pain reflected
some people make bad choices
but the world lets them off
the etch-a-sketch of life and decisions is shaken clear
the i promise i'll never, is granted
this mirror tells me 12 times
i am not on that list this morning
September 26, 2010
#574 gold chalice
chastising and self-judging
you are not welcome
i am imperfect
i am good
take your gold chalice and go somewhere you'll impress
your time and effort is wasted in my mind
September 25, 2010
#573 sunny early october day
but last night the sky changed colours
bright blue with a ball of light
this is what we needed after rain rain and more rain
we will walk outside with as few layers as possible
indoor jobs will procrastinate themselves
hats and and mitten and knitted socks will stay in cardboard boxes
for an extra little bit
and when winter knocks
we will be ready to open the door
September 24, 2010
#572 perspective or not
the meaner she is to me
a tough week equals lots of public smiles
and even more life-hurtful words
and even in perspective
these accusations seem harsh
but i'm not in perspective
and they sound mean and rude and spiteful
and after years of doubting
i've learned we'll get through this and find happy moments again
but still
harsh words hurt
#571 black and white
educated and middle class
and i'm gonna stop apologizing
start recognizing
the things that come my way
'cause the colour of my epidermis
'cause of what i got
between my ears or caged in my ribcage
but between my legs
no not my mind or my heart
but because of another part
that only half of us got
the jobs
the weight on my words
the habit of interrupting
priveledge or right
some things ain't right
i'm a white man
and i won't say i'm sorry
'cause what is my story
i can walk down any torontonian street
not worry about getting raped
by that big guy who looks like that's how he gets his
i'm a white man
i've got things i didn't even realize i was receiving
because the world can be deceiving
hiding the truth behind the 4 star resorts, statistics, and the dark of the night
the throne speech is spoken to me
i'm a white man
i vote, got money, got schoolin'
or should i say schooling
i don't hide my low self-esteem under an overpriced hat
not a victim of societal lies
my belt lies not at my thighs
at my waist
my waste is not knowing what i got or how or where to use it
i'm a white man
don't feel bad for me
i'm the overpriveleged you see
i don't call my guy friends the N-word, or the B-word
to steal back my power that history stole from me me through my ancestry
i'm a white man
if i succeed,no person will say, congratulations, you're a tribute to your race
race what race?
the races are in life and i had a 2 hour head start that no one told me about
my athletic accomplishments are not followed by, especially for a woman
i'm a white man
living in a white man's world
doesn't mean i suffer
but it doesn't mean i like it
say what you want
i'm a white man
#570 uncool poet tries street verse
I wanna court you, cavort with you
Support you and sport you
Care for you, carry you
Want you to need me, and you to kneed me
Touch my skin, touch my soul
Help me out of the hole, and help me feel whole
All this and more, just let me be your
Let me have you, just let me have you
#569 a lesson from Lexi
September 23, 2010
#568 do you know where your children are?
all things i hope happen to my kid
and hope never happen to my kid
why, as they walk out the door,
do we choose the words be careful
why not take risks
though bubble-wrapping our kids
and 100% supervision are tempting
i fear the consequences
September 22, 2010
#567 white paper on hardwood floor
piles form
and with the piles, new stories
common connections, common themes, common images
paper-clipped together
chapters form
old memories build new ideas for new stories
September 21, 2010
#566 My Spirit and Danny's Hip Bones
All feels broken
The law cracked my spirit
Killed my motivation to belive in good
Danny's desk stands empty
The Ruler sits atop the scene, doing nothing
Danny was smacked dead by a car
The car had too many drinks
The driver ran away
Until he was found
The law raped my spirit
I heard his truth change by steps, as the true story was revealed
While Danny received a lifetime of house arrest, his cramped new bachelor suite
And the car
Still drives the main street
Up and down
Up and down
September 20, 2010
#565 childhood memories
now it is nothing but one shade of brown
no flowers, no grass, no life
and i wonder
from where will the next 500 come
September 19, 2010
#564 staring at my bicycle
a new snack to us
and i haven't made it in decades
but the thought, the thought of the taste
yanks me backward through time
and i am there
and she pays attention to me
talks to me like i'm more than just a dumb kid
and the memory lives somewhere between my hair and my neck
though i struggle to understand the reason
when i can't remember this combination lock that i bought just two weeks ago
September 18, 2010
#563 overwaitea
and became aware of my heart, the organ
the man was nice
i just do that
irrational fear
hyper-perception and evaluation of each word
after it falls from my mouth
then in the car, alone with my negative self-talk
i replay the encounter
and scourge myself for stiffness and awkwardness
and then i get home
over the fence, i see my garden gnome
because i'm home
and i'm okay again
September 17, 2010
#562 the gnome and me
stood up cheery, said Hello, and kissed me on the cheek
she wore an autumn sweater under a down vest
she had been encouraging the tomatoes to ripen
and tugging at grass and weeds as she did so
she walked in the house with me
and now she's fixing pasta sauce
oh, and did i mention
i'm marrying her
September 16, 2010
#561 he's back
44 eyes alive
eyes riveted
butts bouncing
text books open
and forgotten
his first they-get-it! moment
in too long
September 15, 2010
#560 man's best friend
we had some times
now i ease you into this hole
beneath our favourite tree
years from now
someone will read the stake and wonder
who we were
RIP Sorrow 1990-2004
September 14, 2010
#559 persistent depression
i run to stay healthy
eat well
and i see dog hair on the floor
i've swept floor the last 15 days, consecutive
brush bags of hair from the source
but still, it appears
September 13, 2010
#558 reflecting on time
in front of a paned mirror
a clock on the wall in front of me
because of the clock on the wall in behind me
i remember watching my father shave
wishing the years away until it was me
i remember mother cutting my hair
wishing the minutes away so i could go with friends
and i think on life
how i watched the second hand
hop one babystep at a time
with long pauses between
mocking my impatience
and all the while
the hour hand flew
imperceptible for its steady speed
and now i sit
unshocked by the white on my head
and below the clock
my son stares at the razor in my hand
September 12, 2010
#557 one, two, three...
is when i get my sleep
the night before is a long-shot gamble
and the odds increase when expectation and need is lowered
still, ceiling-staring is often the effect
and "night before" the cause
September 11, 2010
#556 weighty words
and we listen to these people
their words lowering our scales further than the words of others
call it bias
call it stereotyping
but we all do it
and if you say you don't
i call you a liar
September 10, 2010
#555 ground hockey
and hurts
a lot
a puck hit my eye
there is no blood
and i can see good.
Mike and Tavis and Sandy (the older neighbourhood guys)
they're impressed I'm not crying
so i'm smiling
even though my eye hurts, a lot.
but Sandy high-fived me
and Tavis has his arm around my shoulders
and Mike's holding my stick
and i'm cool.
i try for this moment everyday.
if i knew all it took was a puck in the eye
i would have tried goalie long ago.
September 9, 2010
#554 grampy
not much anyway
just watching from the corner of the kitchen
or from the backyard swing
sharpening the chainsaw
adjusting the radio
and doing grandfather things with me
digging worms and fishing
picking berries
playing cards
now he lives
but i only have clues and guesses of when and how
in my mum's thoughtful gazes
in our family's thing for music
in a field of blueberries
in a worm on a hook
#553 incompetent swordsmanship
crossed the moat,
knelt on one knee
and handed the princess my flower
your flower is wilted, said she
and critiqued my swordsmanship
head down,
i left the castle
searching for a new quest
another dragon
another flower
another chance
September 8, 2010
#552 when i'm gone, heartbreak hotel
us now and us then
the lyrics and the melodies
when will someone write a song about something new?
something not Me and You?
elvis and eminem
they all knew us
i could use the lyrics
to prove it in court
i just wonder
how i never noticed before
September 7, 2010
#551 order switch
jam and peanut butter
meatballs and spaghetti
pepper and salt
women and many
gentlemen and ladies
lightning and thunder
home and house
groove and tongue
#550 it has ben a pleasure serving you, now it's our turn
but here's the problem:
they've played this rcording the last four times i called
and here's the bigger problem
we put up with it
sure we complain
but we do nothing
allowing business and policy to hold scepter over our everyday lives
we write science fiction about machines taking over the world
but we don't see the irony in listening on hold on one machine
as another machine speaks an apologetic script
September 6, 2010
#549 stolen moment
except for the washer on rinse cycle
she stares at the fingernail-size flame
her thoughts on hold
watching the fire sway and jump and bow
a mental to-do list forgotten
for an extra ordinary oasis
a mind relaxed
a soul at ease
then reality returns
as the washer jump-thumps-jump-thumps
she hops to her feet
blows out the light and rushes to the appliance
September 3, 2010
#548 wrestling to win
Judd and Nelson, fused by a nelson into
one creature
a creature of arms, and legs, and sweat
the desk riffraff watch from armchairs
the wannabees cheer from gymnasium bleachers
But Judd and Nelson are
one half of a larger whole
The desk riffraff watch TV’s from chairs
Others watch from gymnasium bleachers
But Judd and Nelson are one half of a larger whole
One the blade and the other the full haft of an aristotelean knife
Judd scoops a calf
relinquishing a neck
The ring is a flacon
Warm breath mixes with sweat and the salty canvas
There can be just one winner
But both competitors walk away better men#547 a band-aid and children's glue
the arc shape of an egg is the strongest shape in existence
when pressed just right, the egg will withhold incredible force
but for all that bravado, the egg is as fragile a thing as nature has produced
i judged her as 29-year old white trash
but inside was an 8 year-old girl
whose trust was perverted by
a grandfather who hated himself
a child, forced to do adult things
skip childhood instead of rope
play with genitalia instead of dolls
climb into adult beds instead of children's treehouses
her self-esteem is an empty eggshell broken into three-hundred pieces
held back together with a band-aid and children's glue
a temptation for fools and idiots
#547 lament for family lost
he is the voice of michael, providing reason and meaning
he sits on a stool, attached to his guitar by a plain leather strap
his eyes are closed and maybe watery
he'll finish the set
and accept a pint from a patron
and stare into his glass
a sad crystal ball
he'll go home to no one and cry for himself
and for Mary's Michael
he'll remember his child
and the small free bird's fall
September 2, 2010
#546 "our freedom's a joke, we're just taking a piss"
now my inner voice is as chipper as Oberst
if you think you leave in a free country
try the nearest border crossing
better yet, try with a sense of humour
and why?
to keep the bad guys out?
to eliminate smuggling?
and so we release our rights
and wonder what's left
knowing something's wrong
and i pretend i'm different because i write
sure there's fire in my eyes
like a digital fireplace
a screensaver of virtual logs
#545 good men make tough decisions
twist fact and rearrange truth
omit the inconvenient and focus on the juicy
but at night
his pillow knows that he tried to make the world a better place
and all while you spewed your petty words
#544 time to gear down
August 28, 2010
#543 suntans around hemp-bracelet lines
August 21, 2010
August 20, 2010
#541 like mumford
August 19, 2010
#540 dear girl
#539 on reading lenord cohen
#538 the cycle
August 18, 2010
#537 nothing new in the forecast
for weeks
disguised as years
offers a view, something to watch
August 17, 2010
#536 jealousy
August 16, 2010
#535 don't do that...
#534 dirty cars
one day i had to wash the car
August 15, 2010
#533 me and the moon
August 14, 2010
#532 wasted
August 13, 2010
#531 disposable corporate ethics
August 12, 2010
#530 moments
August 11, 2010
#529 alone with the one you love
#528 landmarks
August 10, 2010
#527 michelangelo's cartwheel (*accepted into "cartwheel")
#526 bodies tick like clocks
August 9, 2010
#525 running the loop
like treading water
but instead of water
stress and problems and to-do lists undone
August 8, 2010
#524 saying goodbye
August 7, 2010
#523 of cars and rings and relationships
August 6, 2010
#522 to remove a thistle
to remove a thistle
August 5, 2010
#521 like a horse and carriage
#520 exit sandman
August 4, 2010
#519 why are you here?
i saw her in a bathing suit, and the thoughts started
July 29, 2010
#518 concrete and clouds
i wouldn't want to be a dentist or a coroner
July 28, 2010
#517 family
July 27, 2010
#516 wasted years?
July 25, 2010
#515 breathing in, breathing out
she was asleep, he halfway
and he noticed her breathing, compared hers to his own
as she exhaled, his chest expanded
as his chest deflated, she inhaled
they were perfect opposites, existing in synchronicity
he thought of her excitable personality
of his calm demeanor
he thought of how much she liked parties and social events
of how much he loved staying at home with a good book
perfect opposites, existing in synchronicity
July 23, 2010
#514 beware the nailclippers
July 22, 2010
#513 i love you?
July 21, 2010
#512 converted by christians
#511 Donald-the-Bishop
July 20, 2010
#510 on age being a privilege, not an excuse
you are who you are well before you're an adult
watch that list accessorize with check-marks
into done